Big thanks to the best ever Post Reality Service Provider for restoring full operations just in time to share this from BIG DATA LDN at Olympia from 14 November 2018 a mere near fortnight ago.
The Data Lake laps the shore as the seas rise. Water finds its own level everywhere. Our narrative is drowning in data. Quagmired in the data swamp, we sink fast in the data quicksand. You need to dredge the lake and rescue your data set. Clean it and hang it out to dry. Or even better take it to the launderette for a service wash.NoorDinTech tweet#BigDataLDN Joshua Robinson Data Lakes @NoorDinTech
Deep beneath the Data Lake run the cables that connect us all, a filigree of fibre filaments. 120 years ago one of the first long distance underground cables was laid. The London Birmingham No. 1 Cable consisted of 38 pairs of 150 Lbs Per Mile Conductor (2.461 MM Dia). The outer sheath was lead and the individual conductors were insulated with paper and air. It was used primarily for telegraph circuits rather than speech.Close up of one of the first Underground CablesThe London Birmingham No. 1 Cable (thank you National Museum of Computing for bringing a sense of perspective and heritage and context and scale to the conference)
Back at the data launderette we select the programme for ‘warm’ or ‘delicate fabrics’ and process another load of metadata. As long as we can decouple it enough from the rest of our stack it will be alright.

Another week ends at the data launderette